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Migraine Education and Optimization Clinic
Program Details (Back to Programs)

Do you suffer from migraines and feel you need some support in managing your symptoms?

We are pleased to offer a new Migraine Education Clinic that is led by a Nurse Practitioner. We focus on migraine education, prevantative therapies and treatments to help stop migraine headaches before they even start.

The Migraine Education Clinic is available to TW FHT patients aged 18 years and over from both the Bathurst and Garrison Creek sites.

This clinic offers support in the following areas:  

  • Migraine education: tracking, lifestyle modifications, identifying triggers, and supplements 

  • Abortive therapies: assistance with starting or optimizing abortive therapies (treatments that help stop headaches once they start)  

  • Preventative therapies: assistance with starting or optimizing preventative therapies (treatments that are taken daily in attempt to decrease the frequency and severity of migraine headaches) 

What to Expect from Our Program 

When you are referred to the Migraine Education Clinic, you will be seen by a Nurse Practitioner who will help you understand and manage your migraine symptoms. Our program includes:

An Initial 60-minute Virtual Visit:

  • Review of Your Headache History 
  • Learn About Migraines: overview of migraines, how to track symptoms, lifestyle changes, understand triggers, discuss supplements, and understand the role of medications.

Follow-up 30-minute Virtual Visits:

  • Review tracker data 

  • Review triggers 

  • Follow-up on medications 

  • Create an individualized care plan to help manage your migraines

 *Please note, you can expect anywhere between 2 to 4 follow-up appointments.  

What are your responsibilities prior to starting the program? 

  • Prior to your first appointment, review the information and links sent to you. This will optimize your time together.  

  • Create a list of medications that you have used for your migraine headaches (including ones that did not help). 

Who will you be seeing for your visits? 

You will be seeing Nurse Practitioner, Christine Bottomley, from the TW FHT Bathurst Site. Christine is a primary care provider who has completed additional training and education in migraine headaches. 

This program is also supported by Dr. Karoosh Shirkool, a neurologist at TWH.  

How do I register for this program? 

You must be a patient of the TW FHT to be referred to this program.

A referral is required from your primary care provider.