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Cervical Screening Clinic

(previously known as Pap Clinic)

If your primary care provider is not available to do your cervical cancer screening, the TW FHT also offers Cervical Screening Clinics, led by our nursing team. 

If your last pap test results were abnormal, please book your cervical screening test with your primary care provider.

How to book an appointment

You can book online or call our clinic to book your appointment:

*If you prefer to have your cervical screening test with your primary care provider or your last pap test was abnormal, go to your site tab to book an appointment with your primary care provider.

Who should have Cervical Screening?

The Ontario Cervical Screening Program recommends that anyone with a cervix who has been sexually active start cervical screening at age 25 and continue every 5 years. Most people can stop screening between ages 65 and 69. It is best to consult with your healthcare provider about how often to get screened. 

Click here to learn more about when to get screened.  


What to expect from the Cervical Screening Clinic

Your Cervical Screening test (HPV test) is done by a nurse who has specialized training, in a clinic exam room. The nurse will come into the exam room and ask questions about your health history. They will explain what happens during the procedure and answer any questions you may have. 

We are a teaching facility, and a medical resident may be involved in your care. 

You will be asked to lie on your back on an examining table and place your feet on the footrests. During the procedure your healthcare provider: 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Cervical Screening test (HPV test)?

A Cervical Screening test (HPV test) is a preventative screening test for cervical cancer that helps diagnose precancerous conditions and cervical cancer. An HPV test can help prevent cervical cancer. It is the most effective tool we have to reduce cervical cancer. 

The HPV test has replaced the Pap test because it is more effective at helping to prevent cervical cancer. Cick here for more information.

It does not test for other cancers in the reproductive organs or for sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea or HIV. For more information about HPV tests, click here.

Are there any risks to getting an HPV test?

HPV tests are very safe. There is a small chance you might have light spotting after the test, but you should not feel pain or cramping. Let your healthcare provider know if you feel discomfort lasting more than a few minutes or if the bleeding lasts longer than 24 hours.  

Does an HPV test hurt?

A cervical cancer screening test may feel uncomfortable, mainly due to the use of a speculum instrument, but typically should not hurt.  

What about the results and follow-up?

If your test results are abnormal, we will contact you to plan for next steps. 

Why is cervical cancer screening needed?

HPV testing looks for high-risk types of the human papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer. It can also detect cell changes in the cervix caused by HPV.  

Who should have a cervical cancer screening test?

The Ontario Cervical Screening Program recommends that most people who qualify for cervical screening get screened every 5 years. Get screened if you:  

If you have never been sexually active before, you do not need to get a cervical screening test.  

You should still get screened if you: 

It is best to talk with your healthcare provider about how often to get screened. Click here to learn more about when to get screened.  

What happens after an HPV test?

We will contact you if you have an abnormal test result to plan for next steps. The Ontario Cervical Screening Program will also send you a letter telling you whether your test result is normal, abnormal or unsatisfactory and provide you with the next steps. 

If your result is abnormal, it does not mean you have cervical cancer. You will need to talk to your primary care provider about the next steps. You may also have to see a specialist for more tests if needed. 

How often should you have your test done?

You should have an HPV test every 5 years. If you develop abnormal cells, your cervical screening plan will change. 

You will start the new HPV testing when you are due for your next routine Pap test.   

How do I find out when my last Pap test was done?

You can find out when your last Pap test was done through myuhn.ca. First, sign into myuhn.ca then click on "Your Menu" on the top left corner. Scroll down the menu and click on Ontario Lab Results (OLIS). Under 'Results & Reports' you will need to change the date range. You must select a date range that is less than 1 year. Your Pap test result will be found under the following name: Papanicolaou Smear Liquid Based. Click on 'More details' to view your Pap test results.

Edited March 3, 2025